Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I always think too much. Sometimes, I ask, "How do I take a break from thinking?" Ha! For we know, that thinking too much, most often than not, brings us stress or anxiety. But yeah, of course, I also think of happy thoughts, weird scenarios, good memories, what-ifs and beautiful possibilities.

I wonder how cluttered my mind is. I am such an imaginative person. But one thing's for sure, there's always something beautiful deep within me.

So when I feel stressed, or can't think yet of what to put/do in my work, I doodle, scribble, draw and write. It makes me feel light, happy and peaceful.

This is what I also do when I'm so sleepy and I need to be awake in some situations. Haha! But still, attentive. ^_^

So this is my first calligraphy post. You're not less than anyone.

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